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Burp Suite is a web proxy tool that can be used to facilitate web Application pentest. It comes in a community free version or a paid pro version. It has features and extensions that allow you to customize it. This course is made from my notes of Agarri's training (that I highly recommend if you have the opportunity) and notes from my practice.
Launch burp
Create a new project and choose "New Project on disk"
Click Next and then select "Load from configuration file"
Choose your json file and click open
Check the box "Default to the above in future" (if you need this configuration for your other projects)
And then click start
Regular expression are really convenient for burp customizations You can use regex101 to familiarize yourself with regex.
Note: Burp uses Java regex.
Possible to change the body encoder if you want to change a form to multipart. You just need to right clicj on the request and select "Change Body Encoding"
You can do this in BurpSuitePro.vmoptions
To be stealthier, you can disable the web interface (http://burp
When you click on ?
you can get the help dedicated to the feature you are currently using. This is also available if you are not connected to internet.
You can reaname your tabs. For example in the repeater, you just have to double click on it and you can rename it like this.
You can group tabs together
Some of these have to be set up, you can then keep a json file with your settings and export it.
Switch between top-level tabs Ctrl Shift (D|T|P|I|R|L|E)
Send to a tool, then switch to its tab Ctrl (R|I) then Ctrl Shift (R|I)
(Here R is for repeater and I for intruder)
Cycle through 2nd-level tabs Ctrl Equals and Ctrl Right_Parenthesis
Close (and re-open) 2nd-level tabs Ctrl [Shift] W
URL encoding Ctrl [Shift] U
HTML encoding Ctrl [Shift] H
Base64 encoding Ctrl [Shift] B
Close pop-up Alt F4
Colorize (with the last color used) Ctrl K
Add a comment Ctrl Shift K
Copy request as URL Ctrl Shift C
Paste URL as request Ctrl Shift V
Cut | Copy | Paste Ctrl (X|C|V)
Undo | Redo Ctrl (Z|Y)
Select all Ctrl A
Search among 2nd-level tabs Ctrl Shift S
(Repeater, Intruder and Collaborator)
Jump to the search field Ctrl Tab
Search for the highlighted text Ctrl S
Go to the (previous|next) match Ctrl (Left|Right)
Go to top [and extend selection] Ctrl [Shift] Home
Go to bottom [and extend selection] Ctrl [Shift] End
Issue request Ctrl G
Paste URL as request Ctrl Shift V
Use the history Ctrl Shift (Left|Right)
Start attack Ctrl Space
Add payload position marker Ctrl M
Clear all markers Ctrl Shift M
Open scan launcher Ctrl Shift Space
Open launcher with selected insertion point Ctrl Shift Enter
Switch to Collaborator Ctrl Shift O
Insert unique Collaborator payload Ctrl O
Switch interception status Ctrl T
Drop message Ctrl D
Forward message Ctrl F
Forward request + intercept response Ctrl Shift F
You can color line in the history just by clicking on the id and choosing which color
Make authentication easier
Write XSS
instead of the actual payload
Disable CSP reporting (useful for bug bounties)
You can check these in match replace rules
to avoid 304 NOT MODIFIED
"When initializing a WebSocket connection [...] the server will respond with a HTTP/1.1 101 header. Using Burp, you can use a match and replace rule in the proxy settings to change the response to a HTTP 500. This will trick the client into believing that the WebSocket connection is not supported and force it to fall back to XHR."
Sean de Regge quoted by Agarri_fr
We can export just the repeater part of a burp project
In Burp's wordlist de burp there are placeholders like this {base}
We have to change in payload processing and choose the value for the placeholder.
If the application you are testing uses platform authentication (which normally shows as a popup login dialog within your browser), and you get authentication failure messages when your browser is configured to use Burp, then you need to configure Burp to handle the platform authentication instead of your browser. Go to the User options > Connections tab, and the Platform Authentication section. Add a new entry for each hostname used by your application, configuring the authentication type and your credentials. If you aren't sure of the authentication type, then first try NTLMv2, then NTLMv1, and then the other types. You may need to close all browser windows and open a new browser window, to prevent any browser caching from interfering with the authentication process. Check that you are not overriding these settings in the Project options > Connections tab.
Check out this article that explains how to set up ntlm authentication on burp
You might need to set up owasp zap as upstream proxy. Check out this article on nettitude labs to set it up.
Certain: The issue is definitely present.
Firm: The issue is probably present, but this could be a false positive.
Tentative: The issue is potentially present but there is a high chance that this could be a false positive.
Burp suite pro scan profiles is a tool to optimize your burp scan and make them focus on specific vulnerabilities
Go to Target -> Site map -> Right Click on target -> Engagement tools -> Discover content
It can be useful and less time consuming to select a specific endpoint and the root of the server.
Add the settings you wish (Make sure that this option is checked "Add discovered content to suite site map" ) and then click on "Session is not running".
Basic Authorization tokens are based on token containing a user:password
encoded in base64.
To make a bruteforce attack on this token:
Take a request with an auth token and send it to the intruder
Decode the token from base64
Add it as a variable
Go to the payload tab. You can choose brute forcer or simple list or whichever you prefer to generate the password
The most important thing is to first add a prefix through payload processing rules
And then add another rule to encode the payload in base64
Remove the =
signe in the payload encoding
Start the attack
Source: whitelist1.com
If we have find a wsdl file we can parse it: right click (in the request) > wsdler > parse wsdl
works like jwt.io
Very convenient for API search
Grep Values
Replacement of the built-in Decoder
You can set variable to gain time
You can accumulate multiple conversions using xml-like tags
If the parameter is set to
, then the variable is global
Very useful for a report and CSRF. It is going to remove everything that does not alter the response
Very convenient for big scopes. You will get a lits of parameters
One of my personal favorites :D
You set up a basic user for the extension
You connect with an admin user (this way you can access more things)
You browse
The extension will parallel browse and check if it can access everything you look at
It sets variables and you can also use a var for a csrf token this way you can check if it actually prevents csrf
It can also be useful to add a non authenticated user you just need to add a fake cookie like this
As the browing is done in parallel it is perfect to avoid generating too much traffic.
In the end we get results as below and we can compare which user can access what.
The original tab is the one with the traffic I generated and the others are for the other users
If you get this error