VOIP and related protocols
This documentation has been made with notes from my practice and my research on the subject matter.
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a technology that allows voice communication and multimedia sessions over the Internet or other packet-switched networks. Instead of using traditional circuit-switched telephone networks, VoIP converts voice signals into digital data packets and transmits them over IP-based networks.
Key Features of VoIP:
Cost-Effective: Calls made over the Internet can be significantly cheaper than traditional telephony, especially for long-distance and international calls.
Flexibility: Users can make calls from various devices, including computers, smartphones, IP phones, or even traditional phones with VoIP adapters.
Scalability: VoIP systems are easier to scale for businesses, accommodating growth without the need for additional physical infrastructure.
Integration: It integrates with other digital services like video conferencing, instant messaging, and data sharing.
How VoIP Works:
Signal Conversion:
Converts analog voice signals into digital data packets.
Compresses and encodes the data for efficient transmission.
Transmits these packets over an IP network using protocols like RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol).
The recipient's device decodes the packets back into audio signals.
Examples of VoIP Services:
Consumer-grade: Skype, WhatsApp, Google Meet, Zoom.
Enterprise-grade: Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, RingCentral.
Benefits of VoIP:
Reduced Costs: Lower call costs compared to traditional landlines.
Portability: Users can access VoIP services from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Advanced Features: Includes functionalities like call forwarding, voicemail, video conferencing, and integration with CRM systems.
Quality of Service (QoS): Call quality depends on the network's bandwidth and latency.
Reliability: Requires a stable Internet connection and can be affected by power outages.
Security: VoIP is susceptible to hacking, eavesdropping, and denial-of-service attacks without proper encryption and safeguards.
Protocols used by VoIP
VoIP typically relies on several protocols to ensure effective communication, with each playing a specific role in signaling, media transport, and session management. The most commonly used protocols in VoIP include:
1. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
Purpose: Handles call setup, management, and termination for VoIP sessions.
Establishes and maintains communication sessions.
Supports additional features like call forwarding, video, and messaging.
Ports: Typically uses port 5060 for unencrypted traffic and 5061 for encrypted traffic (SIP-TLS).
2. RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol)
Purpose: Transports the actual media (voice or video) during a session.
Ensures low-latency delivery of media packets.
Often used with RTCP (RTP Control Protocol) for performance monitoring.
Ports: Dynamically allocated UDP ports, usually in the range of 1024–65535.
3. H.323
Purpose: An older protocol suite for multimedia communications.
Provides signaling, control, and media transport.
Used in legacy VoIP systems, less common today compared to SIP.
Ports: Uses various ports for different functions, including TCP 1720 for call signaling.
4. MGCP (Media Gateway Control Protocol)
Purpose: Controls media gateways in VoIP systems.
Simplifies call control by centralizing signaling logic.
Ports: Typically uses UDP ports 2427 and 2727.
5. WebRTC
Purpose: A modern framework for real-time communication directly in web browsers.
Uses SIP or custom signaling protocols for session initiation.
Transports media using RTP or SRTP (Secure RTP).
Ports: Uses ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) and STUN/TURN for NAT traversal.
6. Proprietary Protocols
Some VoIP systems use proprietary protocols such as Skype's custom signaling and media protocols or Microsoft Teams' optimized solutions based on SIP and other technologies.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol used for initiating, maintaining, and terminating real-time communication sessions that involve voice, video, and messaging applications. It is widely used in Voice over IP (VoIP) systems and multimedia communications.
Key Features of SIP:
Session Setup: It establishes sessions between endpoints, including call setup, management, and teardown.
Flexibility: SIP can be used for two-party (unicast) or multi-party (multicast) sessions.
Protocol Independence: It works over various transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, or SCTP.
Extensibility: SIP can integrate with other protocols like RTP for media transport and SDP for describing multimedia sessions.
SIP Ports:
SIP is typically exposed on the following ports:
UDP/TCP Port 5060
Used for unencrypted SIP signaling.
TCP Port 5061
Used for encrypted SIP signaling (SIP-TLS).
In real-world scenarios, firewalls and NATs are often configured to handle these ports, especially for SIP traffic. Advanced protocols like STUN, TURN, or ICE are also used in conjunction with SIP to traverse NATs and firewalls.
Pentest workflow
Enumerate with nmap with your usual command, mine is
nmap -Pn -p- -sC -sV -iL ips.txt -oA output-all-ports-et-srv
With this you get all the details the file ips.txt needs to contain your list of ips.
Grep on the gnmap results to get the list of IP with the port 5060 open.
grep "5060/open" output-all-ports-et-srv.gnmap | cut -d' ' -f2
Preinstalled tools on Parrot OS for VoIP
enumiax - username enumeration
enumiax - foreni-packages "enumIAX is an Inter Asterisk Exchange protocol username brute-force enumerator."
iaxflood - VoIP flooder
inviteflood - INVITE message flooding
inviteflood - foreni-packages "A tool to perform SIP/SDP INVITE message flooding over UDP/IP."
I did not find the official repo. It seems to be a network sniffer. So it could be useful for mitm.
"ohrwurm is a small and simple RTP fuzzer that has been successfully tested on a small number of SIP phones."
"The purpose of this test-suite is to evaluate implementation level security and robustness of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) implementations."
"With rtpbreak you can detect, reconstruct and analyze any RTP session."
"A command line tool used to flood any device that is processing RTP."
"A tool to mix pre-recorded audio in real-time with the audio (i.e. RTP) in the specified target audio stream."
"SCTP network scanner for discovery and security"
"SIP VoIP Protocol Fuzzer. Fuzzer that searches for cross site scripting, SQL injection, log injection, format strings, buffer overflows, and more. "
"The SIPp testing tool. SIPp allows to generate one or many SIP calls to one remote system."
"A network infrastructure penetration testing security tool. A tool to test for the (in)security of VLANS. It can mimic the behavior of IP Phones to better understand business risks within an IP Telephony network infrastructure."
svcracj svcrash svmap svreport and svwar are all part of SIPVicious. See below for more details on this tool.
You will have to pay if you want the pro version
It is preinstalled on parrot. But otherwise you can install it as follow:
Once installed you can scan with:
OR if you use the one preinstalled in Parrot
I did not find an option to use a hostfile (a file with my list of ips) with svmap so I made this bash script. You can launch it as follow: script.sh hostfile.txt
if you want to save the results in a file you just need to script.sh hostfile.txt > result.txt
Other things to try out
Identify a valid extension with svwar from SIPVicious (⚠️will actually call the phones⚠️)
Try to bruteforce to guess the extension password
Try to MITM especially if communications are unencrypted
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