AutoLogon exploitation
Target requirements
The target need to have those values in the registry in
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon
AutoAdminLogon set to 1
DefaultDomainName with a valid domain set
DefaultUserName with a valid admin username
DefaultPassword with a valid admin pass
This basically means that the target when restarted will logon automatically without prompting for username and password.
You should have a shell with covenant or metasploit or netcat. We will use Covenant here.
Covenant with PowerUp
In the shell we will type PowerShellImport, type enter and fetch PoweUp.ps1 (if you do not have it you can get it here )
Click on execute
powershell invoke-allchecks
in your shellOnce the command executed it will do all sorts of check and we should see something like this:
Covenant with Seatbelt
Check for it with
Seatbelt WindowsAutoLogon
Last updated